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CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7x14 Inch - Product Review Summary

CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7x14 Inch

The 'CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7x14 Inch' is a multi-functional tool that has garnered attention among metalworking aficionados. Compact yet powerful, it promises precision and accuracy for a wide range of projects. Ideal for hobbyists and professionals alike, this lathe machine presents a platform for bringing your concepts to life. In this piece, we'll explore the key features and performance of the 'CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe' to understand its capabilities and the value it offers to your metalworking projects.

At 91.4 pounds, the weight of this mini lathe contributes to its stability and precision during operation. The robust weight ensures a sturdy base, reducing vibrations and allowing for consistent results. This is particularly useful when executing delicate projects or intricate cuts. However, this substantial weight may pose a challenge for portability and relocation. If your workspace is stationary or you have a dedicated space for metalworking, this becomes less problematic. Evaluating your specific needs and workspace constraints will help determine if the weight of this lathe is a good fit for your projects.

Reviews for the CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe are mixed. Many users have lauded the machine for its outstanding precision and user-friendly features, emphasizing its ability to produce high-quality results. For example, one user noted the machine's capability to seamlessly craft intricate designs on metal surfaces, achieving exceptional accuracy. However, some users raised concerns about the machine's longevity, citing visible wear on parts after extended use. A few also mentioned a limited speed range as a potential limitation, which might restrict its adaptability for certain projects.

Reviews are subjective and depend on individual preferences. While the review score of this lathe machine is inconclusive, perusing multiple reviews and gathering ample information can help form a comprehensive opinion.

The price point of the CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe positions it in the 'budget' category, making it appealing for those seeking an economical yet efficient lathe. This cost-effectiveness attracts beginners or hobbyists, or those with limited budgets who wish to explore metalworking without heavy financial investment. By offering an affordable solution, the CREWORKS lathe encourages users to delve into their metalworking projects without financial strain. This affordability opens doors for those previously deterred by cost, enabling them to discover their passion and unleash their creativity.

However, like any budget-oriented device, there may be limitations in terms of capabilities or build quality compared to pricier alternatives. For instance, the power of the lathe may be less than that of more premium models, potentially affecting its performance when dealing with tougher materials. The durability of some components may also be a concern over time. Despite these potential drawbacks, the machine still provides a solid foundation for learning and honing metalworking skills, particularly for those prioritizing affordability and willing to work within the device's constraints.

The Swing Over Bed of the CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe is 8 inches, providing sufficient space for larger projects and accommodating a broader range of diameters. This generous swing over bed allows for a variety of items to be created, such as table legs or decorative columns. However, a larger swing over bed may necessitate more space in your workshop and could affect portability if you need to relocate the machine frequently. Assessing your workspace and project requirements will help determine if the 8-inch swing over bed aligns with your needs.

The Distance Between Centers of this mini lathe is 14 inches, which is advantageous when working on longer pieces. This considerable distance enables handling of projects such as shafts or small table legs with ease. The 14-inch distance between centers provides ample space to accommodate longer pieces, offering the flexibility to bring your creative visions to fruition.

However, the increased distance between centers may require a larger workspace. If your workshop space is limited, adjustments may need to be made to accommodate the extended length of the workpiece. Additionally, the longer distance between centers can slightly reduce the rigidity of the workpiece, potentially affecting precision for some projects. It's crucial to assess your workspace and project needs to determine if the 14-inch distance aligns with your metalworking needs and available resources.

The Spindle Speed of the CREWORKS lathe is set at 2250 RPM (Rotations Per Minute). This speed range offers a balance between versatility and performance, enabling users to work on a variety of projects. With a higher speed, you can achieve efficient material removal and smoother finishes on smaller pieces. The increased rotational speed allows for faster cutting, reducing the time required to complete intricate designs. It also allows for the use of smaller cutting tools, enabling finer details to be achieved.

However, it's important to consider that the fixed speed range of 2250 RPM may not be suitable for all types of projects. Some materials may require lower speeds to prevent overheating or excessive tool wear. For example, when working with certain metals, it might be necessary to reduce the spindle speed to avoid damaging the workpiece or the cutting tool. If you plan to work on larger pieces or need to turn thicker materials, a lower speed range might be more appropriate to ensure stability and prevent vibrations. Assess the specific requirements of your project and adjust the spindle speed accordingly to achieve the best results.

The Motor Power of the CREWORKS lathe is rated at 550W, providing a satisfactory level of power for a lathe of this size. This motor power enables the machine to handle a wide range of metalworking tasks efficiently. However, the motor power of 550W may have limitations when working with larger or tougher materials. For example, when turning a thick metal block or working on heavy-duty projects, the motor may struggle to maintain optimal performance. In such cases, it might be necessary to make multiple passes or use slower feed rates to prevent overloading the motor. For those working frequently with dense or hard metals, upgrading to a lathe with higher motor power might be considered. Nevertheless, the 550W motor power of the CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe strikes a balance between versatility and performance, catering well to a range of metalworking projects while keeping affordability in mind.


  • Compact size and substantial weight ensure stability and precision.
  • Offers outstanding precision and user-friendly operation, delivering high-quality results.
  • Affordable, making it an option for budget-conscious users.
  • Generous swing over bed (8 inches) allows for working on larger projects.
  • Significant distance between centers (14 inches) provides flexibility for longer workpieces.
  • Spindle speed of 2250 RPM offers a balance between versatility and performance.
  • 550W motor power provides ample power for a range of tasks.


  • Weight can pose challenges for portability and relocation.
  • Some users reported durability issues, particularly with prolonged use.
  • Limited speed range may restrict versatility for certain projects.
  • Motor power may face limitations when working with larger or tougher materials.
  • Increased distance between centers may require a larger workspace and can slightly reduce the rigidity of the workpiece.
  • Fixed speed range of 2250 RPM may not be suitable for all types of projects or materials.

Review and Comparison Data for the CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7x14 Inch

Here is all the comparison data we have on the CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7x14 Inch. If you would like to see other comparisons featuring this product then you can either scroll to the bottom of the table or go to the list directly by clicking here.

CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7x14 Inch

CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7x14 Inch


Weight - 91.4 pounds

Based on its weight, this unit ranked in the bottom half of the rest of the lathes we compared. To find out how this metal lathe compares to the other metal lathes we compared in terms of weight, click here.

In our comparison study, the unit with the highest weight is the COZ Precision Mini Metal Wood Cutting Lathe. To see how the COZ Precision Mini Metal Wood Cutting Lathe compares to this product, visit our full comparison.

Swing Over Bed - 8

According to our swing over bed comparison, this metal lathe ranks in the top half of all lathes. If you would like to see how this lathe compares to the other metal lathes we compared in terms of swing over bed, click here.

The product with the highest swing over bed is the LETRA Mini Metal Lathe Machine 8.7x23.6 Inch. Check out our full comparison for a closer look at the LETRA Mini Metal Lathe Machine 8.7x23.6 Inch.

Distance Between Centers - 14

When we compared the distance between centers among all the metal lathes, this unit came in the top half. Click this link to see how this metal lathe compares to the others we evaluated based on the distance between centers.

The best product in terms of distance between centers is the TECHTONGDA Precision Bench Lathe 8x31 Inch. Our full comparison can be found here if you wish to see how the TECHTONGDA Precision Bench Lathe 8x31 Inch compares.

Spindle Speed - 2250 RPM

According to our spindle speed comparison, this unit ranked in the bottom half. To see exactly how this product compares to the other products we compared in terms of spindle speed, click here.

In our comparison study, the DNYSYSJ Bench Top Mini Metal Lathe 400W came out on top in terms of spindle speed. Our full comparison can be found here if you wish to see how the DNYSYSJ Bench Top Mini Metal Lathe 400W compares.

Motor Power - 550W

When it came to motor power, this metal lathe ranked in the bottom half of all the metal lathes we compared. Click this link to see how this unit compares to the others we compared based on motor power.

The best product in terms of motor power is the COZ Precision Mini Metal Wood Cutting Lathe. You can see our full comparison of the COZ Precision Mini Metal Wood Cutting Lathe and this metal lathe here.

Review Score – Inconclusive

The lathes in our comparison study have a review score value of "inconclusive" or "solid". If you'd like to see a fairly well-formatted table of the review scores of all the units in our study, you can view it by clicking on this link.

If you would like to compare this unit with another metal lathe with an inconclusive review score, we would recommend taking a look at the comparison with the DNYSYSJ Bench Top Mini Metal Lathe 400W. If you were considering a product with a solid review score, we think you should have a look at the comparison of this unit and the BestEquip Mini Metal Lathe 7x14 Inch.

Budget Range - Budget

Across every one of the lathes in our comparison study, the lathes have a budget range value of "mid-range," "budget," or "high-end." If you'd be interested in seeing a full breakdown of the budget ranges of all the metal lathes in our study, you can see it here.

If you would like to compare this unit with another lathe with a budget budget range, we would recommend taking a look at the comparison with the BestEquip Mini Metal Lathe 7x14 Inch. If you were considering a product with a mid-range budget range, we think you should have a look at the comparison of this lathe and the DNYSYSJ Bench Top Mini Metal Lathe 400W.

How does the CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7x14 Inch Compare to the Best Metal Lathes on the Market?

Here at A Tool For Every Job we strive to give you the comparison data of all of the best metal lathes out there, here are our articles that take a look at how the CREWORKS Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7x14 Inch measures up against it's competitors.